Thales Vieira

Professor at the Institute of Computing of Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Thales Vieira

Thales Vieira is Professor at the Institute of Computing of Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) since 2010.

He received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from UFAL, in 2005 and 2007, respectively.

Then, he moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he received the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in 2010.

His current research interests include Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Computer Vision, Natural User Interfaces and Pattern Recognition.

He is also working on a project for the Justice Court of Alagoas, Brazil (Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Alagoas, TJ-AL), to develop intelligent tools based on Natural Language Processing.

How would you define your field of study? What is your vision about it? Which are the topics you're most passionate about?

Since my PhD, I have been applying Machine Learning for very distinct fields. For example, in my PhD thesis, which was supposed to be focused on Computer Graphics, I developed a methodology for learning good views in 3d scenes using Machine Learning algorithms. Then, I have applied Machine Learning for Gesture Recognition using data from Kinect Sensors. The methods I have researched can be employed for the development of Natural User Interfaces, based on body gestures. Similarly, I have been trying in the last years to investigate gesture recognition methods for two distinct applications: sign language recognition, which can be employed in the development of accessibility tools for deaf people; and natural user interfaces for robotics, to remotely control robotic arms, for example. Finally, in the last two years, I have been working on a project for the Justice Court of Alagoas, which is heavily based on Natural Language Processing. All the mentioned problems are currently being dealt with by developing novel Deep Learning algorithms, which are currently changing the world that we live in.


What is your teaching philosophy? What would you like to transmit to your students? How do you motivate them?

What would you like to transmit to your students? How do you motivate them? I want students to learn how to learn and love Mathematics and its applications which are now, more than ever, changing the world. I like to motivate the students by making them seeing Mathematics in the most diverse knowledge areas.

How do you expect your experience in IMM to be? Why did you accept to teach for this project?

It is always encouraging to live novel experiences and be in touch with people from different cultures. Thus, I will be also learning while teaching in this project.

Do you have one of two favorite quotes you would like to share and/or a personal “motto”?

I like a famous Steve Jobs quote:

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”


Selected Publications

Appointments and Awards

  • PIBIC 2017-2018 Academic Excelence award (advisor, x2)

  • PIBIC 2016-2017 Academic Excelence award (advisor, x2)

  • Best paper - SIBGRAPI 2016 (Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images)

  • PIBIC 2013-2014 Academic Excelence award (advisor)

  • 1st Prize in Workshop of Undergraduate Work of SIBGRAPI 2014 (advisor)

  • PIBIC 2011-2012 Academic Excelence award (advisor)

  • 2nd Prize in Workshop of Undergraduate Work of SIBGRAPI 2011 (advisor)

  • Silver Medal in II Jornada de Iniciação Científica no IMPA, Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.


Gabriele Benedetti


Michel Jambu