Giovanni Placini

I carried my doctoral studies in Munich under the supervision of D. Kotschick. There I defended my thesis “On the Geometry and Topology of Sasakian Manifolds” in August 2020. Now I am based in Cagliari where, after one year as a PostDoc, I am teaching some courses for the Department of Mathematics and Informatics.

How would you define your field of study? What is your vision about it? Which are the topics you're most passionate about?

I am mostly interested in Sasakian geometry and almost complex geometry. In particular, the former lies at the intersection of contact, Riemannian and Kaehler structures which makes its study an interesting mix of different techniques. I am especially fascinated by the interplay between these geometric structures and the topology of the manifolds underlying them.

How do you expect your experience in IMM to be? Why did you accept to teach for this project?

I usually try to avoid expectations in order to be able to welcome the unexpected. Nevertheless, I have to admit that the program and the vision of the IMM have led me to imagine a rich, multicultural, fertile environment of which I am glad to be part. I decided to join this project because I believe that knowledge, and mathematics specifically, thrives in the most diverse groups. Such projects are a precious opportunity for both students and teachers.


Wajid Ali


Matteo Fiacchi